Global Part Supply distributes high quality commercial vehicle products on time with accuracy.  We are a company built on 100% customer satisfaction, and we strive to become the world’s premier partner for valve stems, Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems, wheels, and all other commercial vehicle products.  

-GPS inventory control systems -Kanban is an inventory scheduling system that allows companies to easily control and distribute stocked products using a just in time inventory method. Global Part Supply utilizes networked vending systems to aid in the distribution process and monitor the inventory levels of your stock parts so that you do not need to.  We set up the management system for you based on your highest moving products and optimal minimum inventory levels. The Kanban system signals GPS for reordering or replenishing stock when your set minimum quantities are reached.  With the GPS Kanban inventory systems in place, your facility will never wait on parts again.  We will integrate the inventory with your current enterprise platform to auto invoice each customer when a product is selected and used on their repair order so you do not need to.